Friday, August 18, 2006

Actor Robert Taylor...

Actor Robert Taylor (1911-1969) ..My mother went to college in Nebraska with Robert Taylor and was in the same music class with him...Robert Taylor was not the name he was born with, however...Taylor was born in Filley, Nebraska...He was buddies with Ronald Reagen and shared the same political conservative views...He snitched off actor Howard da Silva, during the McCarthy "witch-hunt" hearings during the early 50s, as being a Communist sympathizer in the movie industry-----------------------------------please click on photo for larger image....

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Electro-Shock Treatment Being Administeredclick on photo for larger image

click this link for weblog #1

Area Map For The Historical Oak Tree Located At 458 Kenoak Place in Pomona, this link for weblog #2...

This is the area map for the famous historical landmark at 458 Kenoak Place in Pomona...Which was also right down the street from our first Pomona residence at 418 Kenoak Drive and is also very near to where Terry Densley`s house was located on Kenoak Drive...Terry, of course, was my first Pomona friend when we first moved out here from the mid-west...Our street, Kenoak Drive, was also located very near to where the Pomona Fair Grounds is located, home of the Los Angeles County Fair, the largest county fair in the world--------------------------------

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Pomona Catholic Church Historic this link for weblog #3...

Inside view of the Pomona Catholic Church located on West Holt avenue in Pomona, California...My first Pomona friend, Terry Densley, who lived on the same street as I did, Kenoak Drive, attended this church and also the school which was located on the same property behind the church...The church also had a public swimming pool where we would go to swim as kids in Pomona...Kenoak Drive in Pomona is also a location for a famous historical landmark...It is named after a famous oak tree located near the White Avenue end of the street...The oak tree, which still has a historical name plaque on it today, was where the first settlers of the Pomona Valley area, when California was still a part of Mexico, had an adobe house (no longer there) and were blessed by the priest from the San Gabriel Mission in the late 1700s period at this oak tree...The ceremony was for having acquired the entire Pomona Valley area to be settled...Palomares was the name of one of these area settlers in that period...The stump of this oak tree is still there today...---------------------------------------------------

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click this link for weblog #4...

click this link for weblog #6

click this link for weblog # 7

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Thursday, May 25, 2006

A good long shot of the original Pomona High School before the 1956 fire...

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This was the original Pomona High School as it appeared for many years on East Holt Avenue, in Pomona, California. before being burned down in the year 1956...

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This is Pomona High School, 1956, when my older brother was a student there and also, as pictured, was the year the original building had burned down---I was down in San Diego attending Brown Military Academy when all this occurred...

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This is "A" Barracks (Junior College) at Brown Military Academy...Photo was taken from the 1956 Warrior Yearbook...

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This is a good shot of the former Brown Military Academy Campus and off to the distance you can see "C" Barracks, where I was housed, at the age of thirteen, and I was "homesick as hell" all the time I was there, and also desparaterly miserable...but no-one cared about that...And to the right you see "D" Barracks, elementary school cadets, and to the left was "B" Barracks for the high school cadets...("C" Barracks, junior high, is located in the middle of the photo) was taken from the 1956 Warrior Yearbook...

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This is Brown Military Academy in 1956..."The Warrior" was the name of the school yearbook, where this photo was taken from...This is where my folks tried to dump me off at to get rid of me, permanent-like...but i sorta messed up their plans for me, at the time...although they did succeed in getting rid of me down there in San Diego for a whole school semester....

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This is Emerson Junior High School, in 1955, when I was in the 7th grade at this school...Pictured is a view of the snack bar area, the girl`s locker room, on the right, and the boy`s locker room, on the left, and the gymnasium, in the center...

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Monday, May 22, 2006

Pomona High School, 1959...

Pomona High School, 1959, three years after the original school building burnt down...You can see the makeshift portable classrooms at the top of the photo and while some of the main buildings were also still in use at this particular time, and when the school was still located in downtown Pomona, California...I was attending this school, also, at this particular time, and I was in the eleventh grade...

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